For the last couple of Sundays, I have been taking some cooking classes at Williams-Sonoma here in town. Last week, the class was on stir fry. This week, the class was on grilling, and next week it is on pasta. Now, I am not a big pasta fan, as in it ranks right up there with pizza for me, but I figure maybe I will learn how to make some new recipes and learn some new sauces to be able to put it over fresh spinach. One of the bonuses of taking these classes is that you get 10% off of your purchases for that day. The big shopper that I am, I instantly head over to the clearance section. Last week, I had to pass up some after Christmas peppermint bark. It was HARD, too! But, I did get a mini muffin pan on clearance! So, today with my discount, I bought... yep, you guessed it...hand soap! With all the cool gadgets there, one would think I could buy something really great, but I am afraid to buy a gadget and have it sit in my drawer. I loved the smell of this soap, and the lady said it will take off the grease that gets on my hands when I cook and bake (which my current soap does not!) !!! Now, it sits next to the kitchen sink! I think it is money well spent.
Sounds like such a fun class! And a great buy. Beautiful pic too.