I have joined a digital scrapbooking creative team for the month of December, and I LOVE IT!!! I created this layout today. I must say that I have been enjoying digital scrappin' way more than I have my other scrappin' lately. Who wants to drag out all that stuff!!! I am going to show my preview of the stuff I have created today, and then I will expound on the story later! How does that sound? GREAT to me!!
Oh yeah! The December Creative Team that I belong to is from Gingerscraps! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that place! And, the kit that I used is Inspired Designs A Brand New Day and Inspired Designs A Brand New Day: Word Art Clusters. Here are th links in case you want to check it out! Kit and Word Art and Templates.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Sept. 17, 2011-Gram
I joined this digital scrapbooking board, and just last week they started this challenge called Scrappin' Survivor. It works just like Survivor in that you have to do a challenge each week and you get voted off. I thought maybe if I joined it would help me get some of my scrappin' done and it would force me to use my program a little. So, today while watching football, I worked on my photo of my Gram. I sure miss her. I guess I probably always will. But, you have to cherish the memories that you have and make as many as you can! Someone once told me that when they see a butterfly that is an angel with wings. I don't know if I believe it or not, but it makes me smile each time I see a butterfly. They are most favorite creatures on the planet... right after my fat cats, of course. Miss you Gram!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
August 7, 2011-Cold Kitty
Today was a big rest day for me. Whenever I rest, Molly thinks that it is time for her to nap. I saw her little feet poking out of my blanket, and it just made me smile. I know she won't do this forever, so I have to love it while she still thinks it is cool. Even though she is a big pain some days, she makes me smile with her little face. Good Kitty!
Friday, August 5, 2011
August 4, 2011-Sea World
Now, I am not a huge fan of Sea World for a variety of reasons, but Jeff and I got free season passes earlier in the year, so you know, FREE. We have gone a couple of times and usually we don't go to Shamu because we have seen Orcas in the wild, and it just isn't the same. However, this time, we decided to go, and Jeff got some good pictures. I doubt I will feel the need to go again to the Shamu show, but you know, every 10 years or so and I am good.
However, on a different note, one of the coolest things that I have done lately, is that at Sea World, you could watch the dolphins and if they felt like it, they would come so you could touch them. It was almost time to close the exhibit, and we just thought we would see what they were up to. Jeff was standing there watching them and one came up and let us rub him. It was VERY cool. We traded spots since Jeff had the camera. The only other time one has come up is, of course, when you can feed them, and during that time they aren't really interested in you touching them. So, I think for them to come up on their free will and let me touch them is pretty darn cool. Thanks Sea World for making my day!!! Now, if I can find an experience like that on vacation, I would LOVE it.
However, on a different note, one of the coolest things that I have done lately, is that at Sea World, you could watch the dolphins and if they felt like it, they would come so you could touch them. It was almost time to close the exhibit, and we just thought we would see what they were up to. Jeff was standing there watching them and one came up and let us rub him. It was VERY cool. We traded spots since Jeff had the camera. The only other time one has come up is, of course, when you can feed them, and during that time they aren't really interested in you touching them. So, I think for them to come up on their free will and let me touch them is pretty darn cool. Thanks Sea World for making my day!!! Now, if I can find an experience like that on vacation, I would LOVE it.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
July 24, 2011- Family Reunion
Jeff and I just got back from Coloma for his family reunion. What a nice time we had iwith the family. I sat down today and scrapped those pages. It was nice to get all the photos on the same page. I have enjoyed doing some digi-scrapping. What a beautiful place it was and it was fun to just hang out.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
July 16, 2011-Pie number 2
I got a wild hair today to try to make another pie. The cherries have been really good this year, so I decided to make a cherry-peach pie. I didn't have enough pie dough to make a double crusted pie, so I had to improvise a little. So no little blackbirds today! I did, however, use this really great cookbook that Gram gave to me while I was in Montana. The copyright date on it is 1974! I love it already. I had to try it out today and that is where I got the recipe for the pie. I think it is going to be my favorite cookbook from now on. I am going to take the pie with me to the family reunion this week. We will see if it is much loved. If not, onto another pie! Look at my pie-making skills!!!
July 14, 2011-Disneyland
Jeff and I went to Disneyland today. I always love Disneyland. I love how clean it is, and how much fun it is. I love to just be able to relax. Jeff and I work really hard to try to find as many characters as we can during the day that we are there. Last time, we saw the Evil Queen, but she wasn't there today. We got to see a couple of the acts that they had at the show, and we rode the Columbia ship, the first merchant ship to sail from the US, too. It was a great day, and lots of laughs!
July 13, 2011- Scrap Cat!
I have been working all summer to try to get some scrapbooking done. I am about two years behind, and I am trying to get 2009 done by the end of the summer. However, it seems that we took A LOT of photos in the summer of 2009. We must have been one busy family! I guess my cat is getting tired of me taking up her space and her cuddle time as tonight she was all over my table. I couldn't get her to settle, so finally I set her space on my table. It was better than her sitting in the middle of my photos. She, of course, didn't think that was as much fun. It was pretty convenient until she stretched a little too far and fell off the table. Poor Kitty!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Today, I went up near my friend's house to do some running around a nearby lake. It was a beautiful view, and I really enjoyed running up there. It has been warm, so I am glad that it had shade, too. One of the things I enjoyed the most, though, was hanging out with my friends. I always love to get together and just visit. It was nice to catch up with others and just get to "be". I always love to "be"!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
July 6, 2011--part two!
After making the pie, I left to go to an appointment. I left my pie in Jeff's hands. I told him before I left to put some tin foil around the edges, so they don't burn. Well, 5 minutes too late, he tried. Oh well. We got the peach filling from the Williams-Sonoma outlet, and well, the blackbirds didn't really fair as well as they should have. BUT, I did it, and Jeff gets to have dessert for a few days.
July 6, 2011-- A pie!
So, for the first time ever, I made a double-crusted PIE! While I was in Montana last week, my grandma gave me these cute little blackbirds that are used to vent a pie. After some LONG discussions and even a drawing on how they work, I brought them home with me to try them out. They are too cute, and I am going to love them to pieces, even though I don't like pie. Good thing that Jeff does!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
May 26, 2011-Another page

I worked some more on some scrappin' pages. After I worked on this one, I realized I had already done this page. I have to come up with a better organization system. BUT, it does give me practice at doing the pages. Of course, I do need that. I guess that is the only way to get better. This one is still a work in progress.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
May 25, 2011-Scrapbooking

This weekend I took a digital scrapbooking class. It was a very interesting class, and I met some really nice people. I learned a lot, and I am seriously thinking of getting rid of all my paper supplies. Time will tell. I have big plans for scrappin' this weekend. I have to get my old pictures onto a CD before I lose them. Even though they are backed up, one never knows. I think I am going to enjoy working with the digi stuff.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
May 13, 2011-Graduation
Today I went over to watch one of my dearest friends graduate with her Master's degree. I am so very proud of her. She has worked long, hard hours to get her degree. She now can be an administrator if she wants to. She has made such HUGE progress in her life in general. She is such a rockstar, and I am very proud to be called her friend! You totally rock WD!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
May 7, 2011-Revlon Run
Jeff and I went to LA to run the Revlon Run. You finish the at the LA Coliseum. We had a good time and we got to see Halle Barry at the start. She sure is a skinny little thing! At the Expo, they had this really cool pink fire truck as part of pinkheals.org. Nothing is cooler than a fireman in PINK!
May 6, 2011-Expensive lilies
May 1, 2011-Race morning
Race day was so gorgeous. The weather had been pretty cool and a little rainy up until race day. It was so incredibly green and perfect race weather. Jeff and I tried to stay together, but he had to leave me at the LONG port a potty line. It took FOREVER! I did eventually catch him, but it was a while later.
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